My entire project has revolved around the idea of a fictional gallery and workshop space called ‘Spaces” - this idea has driven all of my work from the start.
I began by photographing gallery spaces: first the Tate Modern and its new extension, then The Store exhibition space at school. For both of these, I decided to look close at what made up the space, and for this I decided to use construction lines.
I started added construction lines on Photoshop over my 35mm film photographs of The Store. This gave me a greater understanding of the make up of the space.
Continuing on from this idea, I separated the construction lines from the image, which left me with a ghostly, contorted resemblance of the original space. I was fascinated and wanted to work more with this idea.
As a result, I started a series of etchings of these construction lines; initially just the lines alone, then adding plastic sheets cut to shaped from the etching. In this way, I was working backwards - recreating the space from only the construction lines.
Next, I moved in a different direction and started working on a logo for Spaces. Throughout, I retained the idea of construction lines - eventually creating a geometrically perfect design using them.
Now, with my final piece, I want to combine these two ideas into one, and at the same time respond to the brief.
I had to consider what medium this would take. For a gallery such as the Tate Modern, promotional materials take essentially all forms. For my project, I looked back at my previous work, especially my etchings.
Given that I felt print had been the most successful medium in conveying the ideas of space for me, I chose to use this as the medium for my final piece. However, I also had all the digital work which I created: the logo for example.
As a result, I decided to make a newspaper. This combines the digital and print elements of my project, as well as serving the purpose of promotional materials for the gallery and workshop space.
This newspaper will contain my photographs and etchings, as well as text relating to the gallery. I have also decided to incorporate mathematical ‘instructions’ for recreating the construction lines. For me, this draws on the idea of creation which the gallery is trying to promote, by almost creating a way to generate the images.
I have also considered how my final piece will be displayed. For this I again took inspiration from the idea of promotional materials and advertising, but also from the artist Felix Gonzalez-Torres. I will place a stack of the newspapers on the floor, with the intention that visitors can take one to keep. The display will change over time as people take their own copies and new ones are added, mimicking the real world of advertising.
To conclude, my final piece will be a display of newspapers, stacked on top of each other forming a cuboid. The visitors will be invited to take one, and will discover a combination of etchings, photographs, text and mathematical code inside.